Thursday, April 27, 2023

Upcoming Degree Work (POSTPONED)


PLEASE NOTE:  The Past Master Degree and Most Excellent Master Degree scheduled for May 22 have been postponed.  A new date for the conferral of these degrees has not been set.  Both the calendar and this post have been updated accordingly.

By order of the MEHP Emetrio Abanillo, a Past Master Degree as well as a Most Excellent Master Degree have been scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2023, at the Masonic Hall at 4911 Montrose Boulevard at 7:00 PM.  Members of the Chapter are encouraged to attend.  All who have obtained the degree of Most Excellent Master are welcome. 

Proper attire is recommended.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

175th Anniversary Moment


Preamble to the first book of minutes of Washington Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.:


From the action of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America at the triennial meeting of that body in September A. D. 1847, upon the subject of a body styled the “Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Texas,” and from subsequent study of the matter, the following gentlemen, viz., E. B. Nichols, Nelson T. Davis, Robert Brewster, Abram. McGenty, William G. Evans, R. M. DeChene, George Henry, Eli A. Stephens, John A. Southmayd, John H. Brown, John N. Reed, and William H. King, who had been members of “Houston Royal Arch Chapter No. 8” held in the City of Houston, under the jurisdiction of the aforesaid “Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Texas,” upon mature deliberation were fully satisfied that the so-styled “Grand Chapter of the State of Texas” was not a legal masonic body and therefore withdrew from all masonic connection or intercourse as Royal Arch Masons with that body or any person or persons working under its authority or recognizing its legality.  And from a laudable desire to advance the interest of the Royal Craft, they on the first day of April A. D. 1848, proceeded in a body to the City of Galveston, and procured themselves to be formally healed in San Felipe de Austin Chapter No. 1, held in that city under the jurisdiction and authority of the “General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America,” and immediately forwarded on to the General Grand officers a petition for a Dispensation to hold a Chapter if R. A. Masons in the City of Houston, to be distinguished by the name Washington Royal Arch Chapter No. 2.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Stated Meeting Notice


The next Stated Assembly of Houston Council No. 1, Royal and Select Masters, will be held at the Masonic Hall at 4911 Montrose Boulevard at 7:00 PM on Monday, April 10, 2023.  Members of the Council are encouraged to attend.  All Select Masters are welcome.

Proper attire is recommended.