Since we are now able to confer degrees, Washington Chapter No. 2 would like to begin the work on six candidates who have been elected to membership in our Chapter.
I would like the schedule to be as follows, barring no conflicts from members or candidates:
Monday, October 19: Mark Master Degree (3 candidates)
Monday, October 26: Mark Master Degree (next 3 candidates)
Monday, November 2: Past Master Degree (all 6 candidates)
Monday, November 16: Most Excellent Master Degree (all 6 candidates)
Monday, November 23: (no degree work – Thanksgiving week)
Monday, November 30: Royal Arch Degree (first 3 candidates)
Monday, December 7: Royal Arch Degree (remaining 3 candidates)
Potentially, all degree work would start at 7 pm, but I defer to the experience of our Degree Potentially, all degree work would start at 7 pm, but I defer to the experience of our Degree Master as to whether we need to get things going earlier for any given set of ritual given the number we are trying to confer.
Candidates: Please let me know ASAP if you have any conflicts with these dates. I realize they are packed pretty close together, but I am hoping we can get everyone through the Chapter degrees before Christmas, potentially doing the Council degrees in early January.
Officers and ritualists: Companion Marvin Hass will be the point of contact for putting together the degree teams. Please coordinate with him about which parts you are willing and able to do. We may be able to get some assistance from other Chapters in the area, and I have included PHP Edward Peebles from Park Place Chapter No. 458 and a few others from other chapters who have helped us in the past in this chain as well in hopes some of their members can help fill spots if necessary.
Fraternally yours,
Chuck Ivy Most Excellent High Priest Washington Chapter No. 2 R.A.M.