Friday, December 27, 2019

Saint John's Day in Winter 2019

Houston York Rite Masonry wishes all Brothers and Companions a joyous and peaceful holiday season.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Stone of Foundation

By R. R. Anderson, Sr.*

Past Grand Secretary - Grand Chapter of Minnesota

      The Stone of Foundation constitutes one of the most important and abstruse symbols of Freemasonry.  It is referred to in numerous legends and traditions, not only of Masonry, but also of the Talmudic writers.  Masonically, it first appears in the Royal Arch, although it is not anywhere alluded to by that name.  The Stone of Foundation, according to legends, is supposed to have been a stone placed at one time within the foundation of the Temple of Solomon.

    The legend begins with the time of Enoch, who in obedience to instructions which he had received in a vision, built a Temple underground on Mount Moriah and dedicated it to God.  His son, Methuselah, constructed the building, although he was not acquainted with his father’s motive for its erection.  This temple consisted of nine vaults, situated perpendicularly beneath each other and communicated by apertures left in each vault.

   Enoch then made a triangular plate of gold, one cubit length on each side, enriched with precious stones, and encrusted the place upon a stone of agate of the same form.  On the plate he engraved the true name of God, the Tetragrammaton, and placed it on a cubical stone, known thereafter as the Stone of Foundation.  He deposited the whole within the lowest arch, the vault then being closed by a door of stone to which was attached a ring of iron, by which it could be opened.    Upon the death of Enoch and the destruction of the world by the deluge, the knowledge of the vault or subterranean temple and of the Stone of Foundation, with the sacred name upon it, was lost for ages to the world.  At the building of the Temple of Solomon this stone, bearing the ineffable name of God, was found while digging the foundations of the Temple, and as removed and place in the Holy of Holies.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Stated Meeting Notice

The next Stated Meeting of Houston Council No. 1, Royal and Select Masters, will be held at the Masonic Hall at 4911 Montrose Boulevard at 7:00 PM on December 9, 2019.  Members of the Council are encouraged to attend.  All Royal and Select Masters are welcome.

Proper attire is recommended.